Leading Client Meetings
Too many client meetings do more harm to a business’s brand than good because the professionals in attendance either aren’t prepared, aren’t synchronized, or simply don’t know how to prepare for, conduct, or review a professional business meeting.
In this module, you will learn how to prepare, conduct, and review a business meeting and you'll leave with a playbook to incorporate these practices into your own career.
Live training format
4 lessons
6 Hours completion time​​
After completing this course, you will be able to:
prepare yourself and your team for client meetings
incorporate customer-centric best practices to conducting your meetings
incrementally improve your performance by learning how to give and receive meeting feedback with your colleagues
Meeting Preparation
Setting SMART Meeting Objectives
Researching Individuals & Companies
Preparing Your Content
Preparing Your Team
Kevin Legg
Opening & Closing The Meeting
The 4 Components Of A Meeting Opening
The 4 Components Of A Meeting Closing
Avoiding Common Mistakes When Opening & Closing Meetings
Kevin Legg
Taking Meeting Notes
The SAGE Note-Taking System
Improving Your Note-Taking Speed & Accuracy
Processing Your Notes
Kevin Legg
Reviewing The Meeting
Introduction To The 10-Minute Meeting Review
Reviewing Meeting Objectives
Reviewing Action Items & To Do's
The Mechanics-Content-Style Framework
Tracking Your Meeting Performance Over Time
Kevin Legg