Presentation Skills
The ability to present ideas effectively and persuasively is one of the most important professional skills you can learn, but surprisingly, it is also one of the most under-trained topics in the workplace today.
This module is designed for new or less-experienced presenters to learn and practice the core concepts and techniques you need to maximize influence, credibility, and impact in your presentations.
Live training format
5 lessons
1 - 2 Day completion time​​
Instructor-Led Workshop optional add-on
After completing this course, you will be able to:
eliminate 'fluff' and maximize the impact of your presentations
present in a stimulating & engaging way
use your presentation as a tool to help you influence your audience
objectively review your performance and self-diagnose areas for improvement
Planning Your Presentation
Defining Your Purpose
Setting SMART Presentation Objectives
Understanding Your Target Audience
Kevin Legg
Organizing Your Ideas
The Creative Process: Brainstorming, Note-taking & Researching
Validating Your Ideas
Kevin Legg
Creating Your Content
Structure: The Pyramid Principle, Rule of 3s
Creating a Logical Sequence & Presentation Flow
Presentation Visuals: Formatting Best Practices
Kevin Legg
Delivering Your Presentation
Pace & Pausing
Intonation, Pitch & Volume
Using Personal Stories, Examples & Case Studies
Asking & Answering Questions
Stephen Gonzalez & Kevin Legg
Review & Feedback
The SAGE Feedback Model
Stephen Gonzalez & Kevin Legg
(Optional) Instructor-Led Workshop
Develop & Deliver Your Own Presentation
1-on-1 Review & Feedback With Instructor
Stephen Gonzalez & Kevin Legg